Last weekend there was a wonderful plein air event in Richmond, Indiana put on by the Richmond Museum. After sign-in and getting maps, my good friend and painting buddy, Barb and I headed out to find just the right spot to paint. I was, of course, hoping to find a place in the shade. It was going to be a hot one. Unfortunately the map was a bit hard to follow and we wound up driving around most of the morning. By lunch time we ran into a great park with a little fresh water stream running through and a pond at one end.
This was it.... lots of trees for shade, bathrooms nearby and nice subject matter. With no time to spare we ate lunch, visited with friends we hadn't seen in a while and then finally went to painting.
I came away with a little 6x8 piece that needs some tweaking. It's a bit light with not much contrasting darks. Overall, I was pleased considering the time we had.
At 4:00 it was back to the museum for a display of the paintings that had been completed that day. Wow! What a great diverse group of paintings. Quite a few of Indiana's best painters were there. Now that we have a good layout of the area, I'm anxious to return next year.
Time to chow down on some delicious food stuffs. I haven't had a real hot dog for a while. With all the fixings, it was a tasty bite.
Here is a little newspaper blurb about the event with pictures that were taken:
That's all for now folks.......
Red shed in shade
1 day ago
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