Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Out and Around

It was a hot day and I was hungry. Why not grab lunch, find a good parking spot and enjoy the view. I had also just viewed a video on measuring within sketches and was anxious to give it a try. You see the front doors are divided into thirds. That has always been a problem for me to get any kind of accuracy. However, if you look close only 2 doors look like a square. Add a half and you have three equal doors. Not sure if that makes sense but to me it was revelation.

We have a small plein air group that meets once a week during the nice weather. Todays meet-up was at a little restaurant/antique shop called “Pickles Cafe”. I found a nice cool spot in the shade and enjoyed sketching the building.

 Hubby and I have a favorite restaurant in Auburn called the “Steakhouse”. As we were inside, this couple sat out on the patio. I could resist a quick sketch.

Guess that will do for now... k

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