Thursday, November 25, 2010


I have been working on a couple of new things...
They are small.

This is one I did from Brookville, IN
It's a scene in the country and the patch in front is tobacco.
 size 8x10

This is from a picture I took as we headed out of Vancouver, BC on our way to Alaska this past summer.
It's taken just before we went under the Lion's Gate bridge and the coast line is of the Stanley Park Seawall.
It's late afternoon and very foggy.
size 9x12
An amateur picture just doesn't do it justice.

I had wanted to try a foggy painting. I might try another now.
My hero David Slonim does marvelous grey and foggy paintings.
See what you think.

David Slonim's Paintings of American small town and rural landscapes are filled with scenes familiar to many. But his are not romantic, idealized images. These are canvases that capture both the beauty and the unadorned reality of everyday life. The artist's versatile palette and bold, impressionist brushwork turn these paintings away from mere sentimentality. They are strong, compelling, tributes to commonplace things, places, and events that exist with quiet dignity. David also writes and illustrates children's books, which are available at online and traditional booksellers. Visit his children's book web site at

I'm going to try another house this winter.
It's the Swinney house out on W Jefferson.
Here is a look at the photo.
I loved the play of light on the front of the house.

...and here is my start.
I find I have to have a good drawing as a base.

See ya...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Art Show

We have a group of ladies that meet once a week and use a room in our church. Our congregation doesn't really know what we are doing every week when we get together so we were asked to do a display of our collective work. Some of the pieces are done in oil, watercolor, pastel, pencil or whatever art project anyone is working on presently.

It turned out to be a show with at least 100 pieces of artwork, some of it for sale. The pictures to follow are the result of this endeavor.

Some of the paintings were Interpretations of the Masters.

Overall, I think it was a big success!


Sunday, November 21, 2010


I recently attended a painting workshop
in Brown County at the Waycross Retreat Center.

On our way there we keep an eye out for photo opportunities.

This time we found......

There's more than corn in Indiana.
Camel or Dromedary?

And this young man was just strutting his stuff.
Guess he wasn't big on being Thanksgiving dinner.

There was a nice morning mist
as we looked out the studio window.

The workshop was held in the lower floor of this building.
We stayed over night in the lodge near by.

These are the paintings we were to work on
with some new techniques to learn.

Mine don't look quite the same
and I managed to change a couple
of things after coming home.

All in all it was a good learning experience and a fun weekend.

Bye for now!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Each year we have a show at the FWMoA called Cocktails and Culture.
As a member of the Fort Wayne Artists Guild I am eligible to participate.
This year I decided to paint several small paintings to sell.
Finding nice frames was probably the hardest part. I found some unfinished ones so they had to be sanded and stained and polyurethaned and sanded and hanging hardware put on. Takes some of the fun out of it.

Anyway, here is a glimpse of a few of the finished pieces unframed.

And here they are all hung up looking pretty.

I actually sold the big one of a pumpkin patch and
4 little ones.

They were fun to do and they don't take very long.
Just to be outside is the most fun.

This next quote is from an artist I admire greatly. 
I recently found this and will try to remember it 
when going outside is frustrating and inconvenient.

If I could instill one point in aspiring artists, it would be to paint from life whenever 
possible. I don’t care how many mosquitoes there are or how strong the wind is, how much junk you have to haul outside or how the light is blinding your eyes. Face it—the whole operation is quite inconvenient, but it is always worth the effort. It will pay dividends that you cannot quantify. When you stand before the magnificence of light bouncing off the subject, when you allow yourself to be wholly in awe of the creation before you and the Creator whose word spoke it into being, you cannot help but be supremely moved. It is this stirring of your soul which then works itself into your work. 
~ Dan Gerhartz, Not Far from Home

With that said, I'll sign off.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Plein air

Brookville  --  part 2

Ok… the next morning.
Guess we’ll go exploring and take some pictures.

What’s this?  A train trestle?
I’ll bet I could get some great pictures from the middle?

Alright…. This is a pretty good spot.

Nice picture!

Maybe I should check to see if a train might be coming?
I think the Indians or cowboys used to put their ear
on the rail but I can’t get down there very well.
I don’t feel anything…..


OMG… Is that a train whistle?

Yep… got off that track with 5 minutes 
(maybe 2)  to spare.

Enough excitement for a while.
Let’s see what else is out there.

Corn stalk rolls?
Don’t think I ever saw those before.
Big too!


Sure nuff, a whole field of them.


Metamora is Indiana's treasured 1838 canal town. Nestled in southeastern Indiana's beautiful countryside, Metamora is steeped in history and famous for its preservation of Indiana's oldest and still operating water-powered grist mill.
While in Metamora, journey through the early 19th century history of horse-drawn canal boats, which fueled the Southeastern Indiana economy until its displacement by the railroad. Shop in stores housed in historic buildings dated back to the early 1800s, feed the ducks along the canal, try some homemade fudge or ice cream, eat and above all else... Enjoy the slow relaxing pace of the past.
Metamora is one of the most charming and fascinating towns in Indiana!  Well known for its wide range of delightful shops, restaurants, friendly shopkeepers, events, festivals, and tasty eats and treats. 

Love this cute little house on the canal.

The canal boat that is drawn along by horses.

The aquaduct from a distance.
I keep trying to paint this scene but it doesn’t seem
to work for me. Too bad, I like it.

Time to head home….. Let me see,
Which way do you suppose this is?

OK…. Bye
I should get busy painting.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Plein air

Every October is the Brookville Paint Out

Brookville is a beautiful little community south east of 
Indianapolis, very close to the Ohio border.

It kind of sits in a little valley with mountains all around
and rivers that run through it.

This is the view as seen from the east.

Friday evening is painting downtown on Main Street.
This is the view I chose to try a little painting.

I'm workin' it....
Trying hard.....

Busy street......

I think this is fun?????
Street scenes are very hard.

And here is my friend Ron.....
Now he knows what he's doing.

Saturday morning....
A fresh start.
Lets go exploring and take some pictures.

The river is quite low at the canoe place.

Look at all these flat rocks.
I'm sure one of them belongs in our flower bed?

This is one of my favorite places to paint.
Trees, water, sun.... what more could I want?

Maybe a fisherman.....

or maybe some kayaks? Ducks?

Guess I better settle down and get to work.

Oooops. More distractions.
Our friend has a new paint setup.
Yes, we all agree, it's really cool.

This year we were staying several miles away in Ohio.
Which meant a drive back and forth each day.
This looks like a nice place and it's right in town.

The original house was built in 1835. 
In 1898 noted Indiana artists, J. Ottis Adams and T.C. Steele 
selected this site to set up their home and studios, 
where the Hoosier Group painted for several years.
Yipee. They have a room for us next year.

The next day.........
This will just have to wait until another day
or this post will be way too long.

Bye for now.....