Thursday, May 27, 2010


This is a list I try to keep with me when going out to paint.
I should have it memorized but that doesn't come very easy any more.

Answer these questions BEFORE you start the painting:

1.  Why are you painting this scene?

2.  Canvas size -- Does it help to express your subject?

3.  Is the painting going to be a landscape, close-up , or a sky-scape?

4.  How are you going to get movement through the painting? (so you can create depth)

5.  Where is the center of interest?  Is it located properly?

6.  What color are you going to use to create depth?

7.  Is your painting going to be predominantly warm or cool?

8.  Brush strokes -- How are they going to be varied?

9.  Where is the light coming from? (So you know which side of the objects are warm and what side is cool)

10. If painting from photo -- Do you need to use all of the photo? Or just a part of the photo?

11. What can you leave out? EDIT, please.

12. In you mind's eye --Do you see this painting attractive?

I really didn't think painting could be this complicated. Just slap some paint around. I saw those videos of the elephants slinging paint with their trunks. However, I find the more I learn the more I have yet to learn.
But....... I love it!



Well here is the next couple of photos of the painting I was working on.

I still have to do the whole left side, but it's coming along.

This one is pretty much finished as far as I am concerned. 
However, instructors have a way of wanting to adjust just one more thing.
By the way, the photo that I used was taken down in Brookville last Fall.

Thought you might like to see the boats picture I finally finished a week or so ago.
It's from a photo I took while vacationing in Maine a few years ago.

That's all for now. 
For the next couple of weeks I will be getting out my watercolors to do some on the spot sketches.


Friday, May 21, 2010


I am going to Greenwood (which is south of Indianapolis) for art classes this spring and into the summer. It's six weeks at a time and then two weeks off before starting another six weeks. It's a bit of a drive but I have learned so much that I just keep going.

 My teacher says "better put some highlights right here".

This week I started a new piece and took some pictures of the preliminary lay-in. We'll see what appears as a final work as it progresses.

As you can see, this is just the very beginning.

Now to fill in some of the under painting.

Hey, looks like there might be some water in this one.

I'll work on it some more next time.
Gotta go now. Bye!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Plein air

It was a beautiful day today so.....

Outdoors we went.

This is my setup and the view I had.
Several of us went to one of our local parks.
 I was disappointed in the resulting painting. It just reminds me how far I have yet to go.
 However, the day was lovely and the company was great.

Looking forward to our next outing.

Be seeing you......