Yes, Its been a long time since the last post.
What have I been doing?
Well, if you want excuses.... there was Christmas and New Years and life.
Besides my energy level for painting during the winter kind of wanes.
The winter for me tends to be a time of practice.
I get back to drawing, sketching and attempting things that are out of my comfort zone.
For instance.... Here are a couple of books I've been reading and learning from.
As much as I like the outdoor painting, it's nice to switch up for a while and tackle something different. I find when practicing I don't turn out as many finished pieces.
The other thing I find to occupy my time is to watch videos. There are some good ones out there and you might even find some at your local library. I watched this one recently. He is very detailed and an excellent painter. Even though I won't paint quite like this I find I can glean something from most all painters.
As you can see portraits are a current interest to me. It's a subject I've mostly stayed away from because I find it very hard. Getting the correct flesh colors are still pretty difficult for me. You can see from the following attempt I have a ways to go. With help, I'll try to stay with it.
I write this sitting here at Border's. My favorite place to hang out. Usually my good friend is hanging out with me but today she is way down in Texas with family, probably enjoying some warm weather. It's snowy and cold here. Guess I'll have another mocha and find a good magazine to read.
Bye for now.....