Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Painting Together

I found this post in one of my Reader sites: "Artist Daily"

"As much as the stereotype of the solitary painter working alone and shutting him- or herself off from the world makes artists seem mysterious and cool, I've found that artists tend to be fairly social creatures, and their cool factor isn't lessened by their sense of community.
But I think it is mostly about enjoying each other’s company. Working creatively takes a lot of personal perseverance and being able to come together as a group with friends and fellow artists makes the struggles seem less insurmountable and the successes a lot more worthwhile. And there is always the opportunity to learn from each other—that’s what I enjoy the most. Open and honest dialogging on what we are all passionate about. 
Sometimes you compare and contrast working methods and come away with a better understanding of how the process can work for you and how you can achieve your own vision knowing what others have tried.
You can also get exposed to new ways of working and share discoveries you have made about your medium of choice or working method. "

As I read this I was reminded of our little group of artists that have been meeting almost every week for the past 5 years. There are about a dozen of us with a variety of medium and level of ability. It's a time I very much look forward to.

Been working on some drawing lately. Like anything else practice is necessary to become better so here are some practice pieces...... Next time maybe there will be improvement?

I like tennis so this is a combo effort.

I finished up these pieces a while back.

There are more of this barn.
I really loved it and have had fun painting it
from several different views.

Guess I'll be signing off now....