Its been a long winter.
Thought maybe I'd get outdoors in the snow and paint but alas.... it didn't happen.
Took a bit of a detour and dabbled in some portrait painting.
Maybe I need more practice before I'm willing to post anything. Most is not finished anyway.
I found this quote to be helpful....?? I'll keep practicing.
"Imagine breaking down even the most complex painting into just a handful of shapes. Painter Ron Hicks has found that the process of portrait painting can be intimidating, if not overwhelming, to even the most practiced painters because a lot of detail is often confused with what makes a successful portrait. For Hicks, it is just the opposite. Hicks believes that a powerful oil portrait--or painting of any subject, for that matter--is not in the details, but in the fundamental forms of a composition. A well-executed portrait is one that describes a person's face or bearing with just a few shapes. Just as you can probably identify a friend or loved one from a distance because you know the general structure of their face and head, you can paint a portrait by representing those same large masses." by Ron Hicks
Guess I'd rather be in Paris?