Saturday, December 21, 2013

Backyard sketch

Since it's raining today and the snow is mostly gone, I found myself starring out the back patio. Finally I grabbed my sketch book to record some of the stuff sitting out there. 

Not much to look at but it is doing something artistic. I'm making a deal with myself to do at least one thing artsy a day. Could be painting, sketching, watching an art video and taking notes, going to a museum or gallery or even reading an art book. I don't want it to be too narrow just yet. I need to get in the habit of just reminding myself to do something.  

Sooooo. Here is today's effort...

I found a couple more in another book. I did these back in the fall. 

That's it for today. Stay dry and find something interesting to sketch. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sketching people

I found a new sketch blog...... Check it out. 

Marc Taro Holmes -
On one of his pages this particular article stood out to me. Since I'm kind of new to sketching people this seemed like a good way to work at it. 

What is the fastest, most reliable method of sketching people on the street?  Given that they don’t hold still for you, and might get up and leave at any time? I use a four step method that helps me get things down as quickly as possible, and gives me the best chance to (accurately) finish later, if I lose my subject part way through.

1. The Gesture aka “The Ball of String”: An instantaneous “single” line capturing volume, posture, costume hints, and narrative. A gesture should be so fast, you can capture any subject, no matter how active. The gesture is only a guide - don’t worry about facial features or details, just get the proportions - the volume the figure occupies - and the ‘acting’ - the essential bits of the story.

2. Line Drawing: Draw in pen right on top of the pencil gesture. Your subject is probably walking away about now, unless you’ve chosen someone who can’t escape. (Workers are good, street performers, people playing sports). Don’t copy the gesture - improve on it. Add smaller detail, let the line work be rhythmic and free.

3. Spotting Blacks: Use darks to attract the eye and to ‘ground’ objects with tiny cast shadows. They indicate volume, weight, and contact with a surface. Darks should cluster around the area of interest and fade out to the edges. The eye goes to the areas of darkest dark. Once you have a solid drawing, you can go back and erase some of the pencil for a cleaner looking drawing.

4. Color at last!:  The drawing comes alive when you add color. It’s best to get it all in one sitting - but If your subject is long gone, you can add color washes at home or while relaxing in the café. Rely on your memory combined with the structural drawing, and just have fun with the color.

So of course I had to try it out. Here are my attempts. 
We took in a little bluegrass band.....

And one more.....

Enjoy your day!  
Find something to sketch!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Lemon Bars

Sometimes you just have to take a day away from painting. Especially at Christmas time. Today was time to bake lemon bars for a couple of special gatherings with friends. 

Have a great day! 
Do something special for yourself!

Friday, December 6, 2013


I enjoy reading blogs. Besides the family and friend ones I have a group of art blogs that I indulge myself with. My favorite these days is The Urban Sketcher.

I was surprised and delighted to see pictures of sketch books from all parts of the world. 
As an example: This is St. Andrews Cathedral in BC. 

In fact it has inspired me to pick up my sketch book and re-establish the habit of sketching more often. 
Here are a few attempts that I have done lately. With practice I will improve. 

Have a great day. 
Look around. 
Maybe you'll see something that catches your eye to sketch!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I'm back

It's been a long time since my last post so me thinks I'll try my hand at it once again. 

It's been 5 weeks now since my hip surgery. I'm beginning to navigate my way around pretty well with only one crutch. I tire easily though and can't go very far. 

Our Wednesday art group (Brushstrokes) is always a nice place to get an art fix. Nice ladies, positive feedback and we lollygag over lunch. 

Been playing around with an abstract piece on my iPad.  Anyway this is it. 

Have a good night. K

Bye for now....go and create something.
Maybe even a pie.... or soup!