Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I'm working on a painting that calls for several figures in the landscape. I love to create landscapes. It's my favorite thing to paint. However, up until now I have avoided putting any figures in them, even though my instructors have said some pieces would have more life if there were figures present.  

So with this in mind, I have spent the last little while with my nose in several books trying to train my brain in the vast spectrum of proportion and perspective as it pertains to accurate drawing.  Wow. That was a mouthful. 
Perhaps it has been easier because of the winter weather. We have been house bound for several days due to the extreme snow and cold. Lots of minus temperatures. Lots of time on my hands. 

Proportion has pretty much escaped me. My heads were too little or too big for the body or my legs were too long or too short.  So because of this nagging painting that has to have figures, I have pursued some answers.  At least I feel more confident with them than I did before. 

This is my favorite perspective book. It's been on my bookshelf for quite a while and I keep coming back to it every so often, learning more each time I get it out. 

These pages about people in the landscape have been quite helpful. 

Along with landscape perspective I have a figure drawing book. 
But..... We'll discuss that in the next post. In the meantime. I need to practice. 

Happy sketching !