Saturday, September 11, 2010


I recently went to Rensselaer, Indiana for a one day plein-air painting day. My friend and I went especially to paint at her grandmother's house. My friend had spent much time there and was anxious to paint it and maybe get inside to look around.

We decided to go over the day before and stayed at this beautiful Bed and Breakfast.
Of course pictures of the inside were in order.
Living room....

Music room.... I got to play a little tune.

Dining room.... breakfast was served and we were the only guests.

Now here is an idea for my daughter-in-law.....
I think she has one of these trunks.

On to the painting part.... got side tracked a bit.

This is the little house that we were concentrating on.
Actually, the light was much better the night before
 when it was on the other side of the house.
But we were here now so...... go for it.

And this is the little painting as a result -6"x8"...
minus the bushes that were hiding the porch.

And that was the end of our little excursion.
By the way.... we did get to go in and look around.
It now belongs to a law firm.

Bye now......

1 comment:

cindy said...

Um, that toilet paper thing is even too out there for me :)

Everything else is very beautiful though!