Monday, September 13, 2010

This and That

After our class in Greenwood, a couple of us went on down to Gosport (yes, it's still in Indiana - very small) to visit a painting friend. Time to catch up and visit Nashville to take in a few art galleries. This is always a fun thing for painters to do.

Our friend has a pretty home.... of course pictures.
A corner of the porch....

Living room... looking into the dining room.
Kitchen is off to the left.

Dining area.

This little sitting area is just off from her studio.
She loves to paint flowers.

While there, we connected with a painting teacher who will be conducting a workshop in New Harmony come spring. This is something I look forward to all year long. Here he was doing a demo at the TC Steele historical site.

He is a very good teacher and I really admire his work. Take a look.....

That it for now.....

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