Friday, July 20, 2018

Lake Day

Going to the lake is always a special treat especially when the weather is perfect. Lots of sun, warmish water, picnic lunch and time for art is all in the mix. Yesterday BY and I did just that.

On those days my art takes a playful turn. I try things out that perhaps don’t always turn out the way I expected. For instance, the clouds yesterday were quite beautiful and plentiful. I tried lots of different blues and grays and reds. Most of them got to be messy rather suddenly and found themselves in the trash.

I had with me this interesting pencil. It’s a multi-colored pencil. So I did a quick sketch of the neighbor’s boat and pier. You can see the pencil at the top.

The next one is with a water soluble graphite pencil. I added a small bit of water in a few places after I finished.

Anyway it was a great way to remember a fun and special day with a friend.


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