Saturday, July 7, 2018

Saturday Fun

My friend and I have this favorite little restaurant that we go to very often. However, they have been closed for about a month while they returned to the country where they are from and to visit family.

It was great to go back today and have our special “spring rolls”. In fact they are the best spring rolls in all of Fort Wayne (my opinion).

This was one of their customers that happened to catch my eye. A little boy about 4.  I took a quick picture and sat down to sketch it out this afternoon. I started with pencil and was going to ink it in when I changed my mind and decided to go right in with watercolor. I actually liked the way it turned out.

Tonight we went to a musical comedy at Concordia High school called “The Drowsy Chaperone”. A couple of the cast are friends. By the way it was a great show. I’m not one who usually likes musicals but I really enjoyed this one. 

Of course while we waited for it to start I had my pencil out, then put some ink to it. It was part of the scene throughout the whole play.


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