Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Chapter 4

Bummer.... It's a rainy day. Now what do women do on a rainy day?  Shop? Right!  And where would you go if you were in Maine on a rainy day? L.L. Bean? Right!  Reny's is also an interesting place if souvenirs are what you're after.

Maybe try on sunglasses in case the sun appears. Renee, those are stunning especially the nose cover?

A few of us (me included) decided to head over to Sears Island. The sky was clearing and I wanted to see this place Renee talks about in her blog.
"Sears Island acts as a great element barrier for one of the most well-protected harbors in the state of Maine, Stockton Harbor, an attractive anchorage both for the protection it offers, and its convenience to upper Penobscot Bay towns Searsport, Belfast and Castine. It is home to numerous species of birds, mammals, fish, amphibians and plant life. The shallow shoal off the west side of the island supports meadows of eelgrass and other nursery habitats and features that play an important role in the fish and shellfish populations of greater Penobscot Bay."
No cars are allowed on the island so we walked down to the shore. Renee showed us that around some of the rocks lived mussels. Once we found out they were good to eat, the collecting began.

25 pounds later...... we headed home to clean and eat. Now I know it isn't lobster but almost as good. Renee really knew how to cook them so they tasted really scrumptious.

I'm a happy camper!!!

Left to right..... Kay, Nancy, me, Sharron and Barb. What a fun group of artists!

I can hardly wait to see what is in store for us next.
.....night  zzz

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