Monday, August 29, 2011


Chapter 8

Stockton Springs,  Fort Point State Park:

Fort Point Light was established in 1836 in Stockton Springs, at the west side of the mouth of the Penobscot River, to aid vessels bound for Bangor, a leading lumber port. The town of Stockton Springs was also a lumber port and a shipping point for Maine's potato industry.
The first lighthouse was a granite tower. The first keeper was William Clewly, who had sold his land to the government for the station.
Been doing some pen sketches since I returned home.

The pyramidal bell tower is one of the few left in New England and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The bell, replaced by a foghorn, hangs outside the tower.

Yep.... sitting under the umbrella again. It helps keep the sun off me, my painting and my palette.

This is an oil house.... it was used to store oil for the lighthouse lamp.

I need to do some finishing on this one too.

Guess what we're having for dinner?  Seafood chowder. Those Mainers really know how to season and cook their seafood. Best I've ever had. Can't find this in a restaurant. Thanks Renee.

Also on the menu was goat cheese, cheese cakes. Now if you've never tasted these little delicacies you are in for a real treat. Mucho deliciousness. I wish I had taken a picture. Sandy picked them up as a treat for us. Thanks a bunch!

More of the Maine adventure...... stick around for the next installment.

...... night

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